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Texas Roadhouse Seasoned Rice Recipe with Ingredients ❤️

Texas Roadhouse Seasoned Rice is a flavorful and satisfying side dish that complements their hearty meals. Cooked to perfection, the rice is infused with a blend of aromatic herbs and spices, imparting a savory and slightly tangy taste profile. Each grain is tender yet distinct, offering a delightful texture with every bite.

Texas Roadhouse Seasoned Rice Recipe

This seasoned rice serves as a versatile accompaniment, enhancing the dining experience with its robust flavor and comforting appeal. Whether paired with grilled meats, fresh salads, or enjoyed on its own, Texas Roadhouse’s Seasoned Rice is sure to tantalize the taste buds and leave a lasting impression.

Texas Roadhouse Seasoned Rice Recipe ❤️

Texas Roadhouse Seasoned Rice is a flavorful and satisfying side dish that you can easily enjoy at home. Let’s dive into the details of this delicious rice pilaf.
Servings 1 Person


  • Long Grain White Rice: The base of Texas Roadhouse seasoned rice. Long grain rice provides a fluffy texture and absorbs flavors beautifully.
  • Butter Unsalted butter is used for toasting the rice, giving it a nutty flavor.
  • Small White Onion Diced onion adds aromatic depth to the dish.
  • Paprika Adds a warm, earthy flavor and a touch of color.
  • Dried Parsley Provides herbal notes and visual appeal.
  • Garlic Powder Infuses the rice with savory garlic flavor.
  • Red Pepper Flakes (Optional) If you like a bit of heat, add red pepper flakes for a subtle kick.
  • Chicken Stock The liquid that cooks the rice and imparts rich flavor.


  • Melt Butter: Start by melting butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat.
  • Brown the Rice: Add the rice to the melted butter and let it brown for about 4 to 6 minutes. This step enhances the rice’s flavor.
  • Season the Rice: Stir in the diced onions, paprika, dried parsley, garlic powder, and optional red pepper flakes. Mix everything together until well combined.
  • Add Chicken Broth: Pour in the chicken broth, ensuring it covers the rice mixture. Bring it to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  • Simmer and Cook: Reduce the heat to low, cover the skillet, and let the rice simmer for 22-25 minutes. Most of the liquid should be absorbed, and the rice should be fully cooked.
  • Rest and Fluff: Turn off the heat and let the rice sit, covered, for 5 minutes. This allows it to finish cooking. Afterward, fluff the rice with a fork.
Storage and Reheating:
  • Leftovers: Refrigerate any leftover seasoned rice in an airtight container for up to 5 days.
  • Reheating: Microwave the rice for 2 to 3 minutes until piping hot before serving.
  • Freezing: Yes, you can freeze the leftover rice in a freezer-safe bag for 2-3 months.

Why We Love It:

  • Flavorful: The combination of herbs, spices, and buttery richness makes this rice irresistible.
  • Budget-Friendly: Rice is inexpensive, so this recipe won’t break the bank.
  • Versatile: Pair it with steak kabobs, grilled chicken, or any protein for a complete meal.

Now you can enjoy the Texas Roadhouse experience right in your own kitchen with this simple and delicious seasoned rice

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